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Palestine Museum Opens

On May 18th , at Bir Zeit near Ramallah, a new architect-designed museum

opened, the Palestine Museum, planned over the last fifteen years or so by the

Welfare Association, the group of Palestinian philanthropists who have funded a

number of major cultural and social projects in Palestine over the last three


The building – still empty at the moment –was opened by Mahmoud Abbas,

President of Palestine, watched by several thousand visitors, some of whom had

flown in from abroad. The recently appointed director, Mahmoud Hawari, is a

leading archaeologist currently with a post at the British Museum, and he is

expected to oversee a number of exhibitions covering historical and cultural

topics, including – perhaps – stories and displays relating to the Mandate period.

The building is set in a terraced landscape containing a range of plants and

shrubs native to Palestine. There is no security fence, allowing Palestinians from

Ramallah and elsewhere to visit the garden whenever they like.

On the evening of the opening day, a music and dance performance using the

new building as a stage and backdrop represented symbolically the successive

dispossession of the Palestinian people as a result of British, Zionist and Israeli

actions over the last 100 years.

Photos show:

Opening speech by Mahmoud Abbas

New director of the Museum, Dr Mahmoud Hawari

Visitors in the landscaped gardens

Crowds gather inside the new building

The evening performance outside the new building

For a review of the museum see:

museum-review- ramallah-west- bank-israel

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