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Further Reading


   Primary Documents:
  • Read the Full Text of the British Mandate for Palestine


  • Read the Full Text of the Palestinian Delegation Correspondence of 1922 


    Key Publications:
  • Read the Full Text of The Arabs of Palestine, by Sir John Richmond


  • Read the Full Text of Balfour and Palestine: A Legacy of Deceit by Sir Anthony Nutting

Reading List:


A History of Modern Palestine, Ilan Pappe, Cambridge University Press

Britain in Palestine, Karl Sabbagh and Anne Lineen, Skyscraper Publications

From Haven to Conquest, Walid Khalidi, Institute for Palestine Studies

Palestine: A Personal History, Karl Sabbagh, Atlantic Books

Palestine Papers, Doreen Ingrams, Eland Publishing

Palestine: The Reality, J.M.N. Jeffries, Longman

Rebellion in Palestine, John Marlowe, The Cresset Press

The Gentile Zionists, N.A. Rose, Frank Cass

Nisi Dominus, Neville Barbour, George G. Harrap & Co

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